Student Life

Build lifelong friendships with fellow students who share your interests, passions, and perspectives.

As part of the training efforts of the College, students are made to undergo a one-week study tour at selected civil and military institutions. Recent study tour was that of the LLMC 03 to DICON in Kaduna and Dala Inland Ports, Kano. Similarly, LOBC Batch 35 students undertook a one-week training program at selected naval units in Lagos to complement the classroom instructions.


Student organizations
and clubs on campus


Public programs every


Students living in on-
campus housing

Public Programs & Events

Kempbelle public programs and events, both in person and online, offer viewers a chance to ask questions, discover new ideas, make connections, and find a community of people ready to engage with what’s happening in the world.

Health &

In order to enhance physical fitness and mental alertness of the College community, the College cleared an expanse of land measuring about 23,000 square metres to accommodate different sporting activities.



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